Hello and Welcome to Framing by Estrella!

My name is Estrella and this is my picture framing studio in Vancouver. So, let me share with you a few things about myself:

I am originally from Mexico and moved to Vancouver in 2001.

My story is not uncommon. I came with a university degree and found myself with untransferable credentials. So I did my time serving in coffee shops and restaurants for a few years.

I first began picture framing in 2006.

I have worked with some talented, knowledgable people and learned a lot from them.

In 2008, already in my thirties, I quit my framing job to enrol in full-time art studies.


I graduated in 2013 with a degree in visual arts from Emily Carr University of Art and Design.

After completing a one year publishing program in 2014, I returned to work in picture framing.


Over the years I have worked in picture framing shops all around Vancouver, including on the West Side, Yaletown, East Van, and the North Shore; gaining valuable experience from working with a diverse clientele and breadth of projects.

picture framing in the studio
Estrella picture framing

Framing by Estrella

Fast forward to 2020, for me it’s a time to take a leap of faith, stay positive, be creative, and find a way to translate my experience and skills into self-employment.

“And, when you want something, the whole universe conspires in helping you to achieve it”

Paulo Coelho

So, I stumbled upon a wonderful shared studio space and a community of amazing artists that have welcomed me into their midst. For that I am grateful…and for loving what I do; for let me tell you, I really do enjoy my work.

I love working with people and enjoy the stories customers share with me about the items they want to frame. Sometimes they’re things that have been in their family for generations and have great sentimental value. Sometimes it’s art, and I get to hear the back story: where they got it and what they love about it. When I deal with artists framing their own work, there is always much to learn about their inspiration and process, and I love helping them make their work look its best for an exhibition. Working with local organizations and businesses, I get to learn more about what’s happening around me, and how people are contributing to making Vancouver the vibrant city that it is.

Thank you for stopping by. I hope to see you soon.